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My: Creative Workshops

M:CW 101

M:CW 101 workshops and seminars challenge participants to expel preconceived notions of careers within the creative arts industries and provide expert knowledge, specialist support, impartial advice and guidance to pursuing a future within the arts.


The seminars utilise discussion, personal accounts and case studies, where the workshops employ practical activities to encourage participants to consider their intrinsic strengths and personal interests as the basis of creative career choices.


The uniquely collaborative and supportive mindset fostered throughout the workshops and seminars, support students as they begin to network amongst their peers and fortify one another's potential.

M:CW 101

M:CW 102


M:CW 102 courses are industry specific so participants will have the opportunity to engage in insightful exercises related to an artistic field i.e. Fashion. Activities will highlight a range of careers and address common misconceptions, whilst offering the key awareness of expectations (salary, working hours, fellow practitioners, rate of progression, entry level roles, lifestyle, travel, additional responsibilities, quality of life) and how to manage them.


M:CW 102 courses will also encourage a positive approach to open conversation and proffer knowledge sharing as common practice, among individuals within a burgeoning community.

M:CW 102

M:CW Project


M:CW Project participants will appreciate the natural progression from M:CW 102 courses as they are tasked with fulfilling project briefs for clients. Contending with measured time constraints, pedantic specifications and genuine industry grade challenges, students will produce professional portfolio-ready outcomes.


Each M:CW Project is formatted to develop skills in critical thinking, decisiveness, innovation, teamwork, leadership and creativity.

Industry professionals will extend exclusive support, advice and guidance to participants and offer insider knowledge to be shared in an open forum where discussion, collaboration and collective advancement among peers and like-minded individuals is currency.


All participants are encouraged to complete multiple projects, so as to experience the wide variety of otherwise inaccessible opportunities and career insights.

M:CW Project

M:CW Elite


M:CW Elite classes offer true to life scenarios that are unique and encapsulate the authentic challenges which respire the very essence of life as a creative.

Realistically fast paced, complex, consuming and ostensibly menial challenges will incite analytical reasoning, principal delegation, methodical problem-solving, efficient & effective teamwork, confident negotiation, insightful thinking and a sanguine perspective on seemingly insurmountable tasks in participants.


Individuals will have various responsibilities throughout the simulation; with emphasis placed on acknowledging their own strengths and those in others, participants will be encouraged to establish their own organisational structure and accountability measures much like those found in a corporate entities.


Designed to prepare participants for crisis management in creative industries, an Elite class is the pinnacle of preparedness.

M:CW Elite
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